From TUCCI Factory a classic and elegant watch Hope you like it Favorite0
Free WatchFaces for Android and Apple Watches!
From TUCCI Factory a classic and elegant watch Hope you like it Favorite0
New chrono watchface from TUCCI Factory UP button Start – Stop chrono DOWN button Reset chrono As always free to edit Hope you like it… Favorite0
New chrono watchface from TUCCI Factory Tap: P = Park hands U = Unpark hands S = Start / Stop chrono R = Reset chrono and unpark hands Let me know if you like it Favorite0
Watchface #150 in TUCCI Factory Collection Tap right dial to Start/Stop chrono Left dial to reset Let me know if you like it Favorite0
Special Design from Tucci Factory Hope you like it TAP 3 To park hands TAP 3 Again to start chrono TAP 9 To unpark hands or reset chrono Favorite0
New Chrono watchface from TUCCI factory Tap center to change color Tap 3 to park hands Tap 3 again to start / stop chrono Tap 9 to reset chrono and back to watch Blinking indicator in chrono mode Let me know if you like it I let dimmers to dim it… Free to use…
Watchface from TUCCI Factory. Tap on top to DIM On/Off/Always Tap down to start and stop chrono, double tap to reset Extra hand shows 24h time. Seconds hand show power reserve in Dim modes If any DIM mode is active on watch and chrono is working, hands show time and chrono continues working in…
TUCCI N155 update with a simple dim mode from TUCCI Factory Hope you like it my friends Favorite0
Hello, new face in Tucci collection. Right dial start / stop chrono and left one to reset Let me know if you like it… enjoy As always free to edit Favorite0
New face in Tucci Factory Collection Symply… no tap… Hope you like it Favorite0
Symply… no tap… Hope you like it.. New face in Tucci Factory Collection Symply… no tap… Hope you like it Favorite0
New face in Tucci Factory Collection And for chono lovers… Tap 3 to start/pause chono, doubletap to reset. And battery indicator in date window… wy not? Hope you like it… Sorry very big file Favorite0
New face in Tucci Factory Collection Tap center to start/pause chrono, double tap to reset Tap date to switch week day from spanish to french and english Hope you like it, and as always open and free to edit Favorite0
New face in Tucci Factory Collection Tap date to start/pause chrono Double tap to reset Hope you like it… As always free to edit Favorite0
New face in Tucci Factory Collection And for chono lovers… Tap 3 to start/pause chono, doubletap to reset. And battery indicator in date window… wy not? Hope you like it… Sorry very big file… Favorite0