Category: Code 41

Code 41 Day 41
Watch Features: Tap center to zoom Tap 12 to select dim mode Tap 9 to remove my skin Favorite0

Code41 Anomaly 01 Edition!!
Watch Functions: Double tap top of dial to enter menu for following settings: Zoom Dim mode off default, on, auto, always auto, & always on Dim color select Favorite0

CODE 41 NB24
February 25 2021 marked a spectacular end to the first edition of the NB24 project, with 1380 pieces pre-ordered. Double touches on the cardinal points of the dial and in the center for access to: -calendar -alarm -countdown -timer -health. El 25 de febrero de 2021 marcó un final espectacular para la primera edición del…

Esfera simple basada en modelo code41 Simple face based on code41 Favorite0