Gear Tactical V.8
Gear Tactical Version 8 .Double Tap center to pick app, single tap then to open. .Tap degrees to open Weather. .Tap MUSIC, ALTI-BARO, and STPW to open. Favorite1
Free WatchFaces for Android and Apple Watches!
Gear Tactical Version 8 .Double Tap center to pick app, single tap then to open. .Tap degrees to open Weather. .Tap MUSIC, ALTI-BARO, and STPW to open. Favorite1
I just call this Animated face, Wall-Spin-Clock. tap date to open schedule. double tap 12, 9, 6, & center to pick app. once picked, tap to open app you chose. Favorite0
Digital time and month-day with Joker playing the joker card. Favorite0