Crashpilot Cockpit One Complication Astro Navigator

  Siderial time, yearly calendar marker, counter-rotating star wheel, bezel-compass, 24h marker and astronomical navigation. 4 star-wheels included with two different styles covering both northern and southern hemispheres (north installed). Yellow hand shows local right ascension on yellow number circle, yellow triangle indicates battery level. Star wheel may require initial adjustment for your home longitude….

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Crashpilot Cockpit One Le Monstre Experimental

  Smooth and fast gear action! Integrated moving parts, sweeping-hand chrono, battery level, time zone 2 (UTC), 24h and full date. Experimental Pratt&Whitney 2400hp turbofan mechanism for extra performance and kudos. Engine management systems, instrumentation and fire extinguisher provided for your safety and comfort. Requires Jet A-1 or TS-1 aviation fuel! Due to the complexity,…

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