Tribute to Claude François
It is dedicated to Claude François (French singer) made by Dominique Vallin Favorite0
Free WatchFaces for Android and Apple Watches!
It is dedicated to Claude François (French singer) made by Dominique Vallin Favorite0
Tribute Luke x4 Colors Hand Drawn by TC Ayhan Can BektaÅŸ Favorite0
This tribute digital watch in the mid 80s features 3 modes: Time, Date, & Stopwatch. Toggle between the screens by tapping the mode area. I just wish my watch had a sepaker so I could emulate the bond theme alarm that used to drive my parents nuts. Favorite0
This watch features an interesting hand movement and a digital clock in the centre The green ring around the centre is a battery meter Favorite0
Watchface Fetures: This one is a trbute to MJ and all fans of his You can color the spotlight, his face line, and date display which is visible in dim mode into a color of your choice to match your outfits better Default he loads up as seen below Moving your wrist will make…