Unbranded Analog FacesRed plus watch Ahmad Shalaby1 year ago1 year ago21 mins Log in to download this watch face Username or Email * Password * Remember Me Lost your password? Or Create An Account First Name User Email * Display Name Last Name User Password * Submit Favorite0 Post navigation Previous: Morus eternoNext: Mando star wars watch 2 thoughts on “Red plus watch” DOES NOT WORK EVEN AFTER RENAMING Log in to Reply I downloaded the watchface file from the website and renamed the file by removing the “.zip” at the end of the file name.then imported the file through the import option of watchmaker app and the face imported perfectly Log in to Reply Leave a Reply Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a comment.
I downloaded the watchface file from the website and renamed the file by removing the “.zip” at the end of the file name.then imported the file through the import option of watchmaker app and the face imported perfectly Log in to Reply
I downloaded the watchface file from the website and renamed the file by removing the “.zip” at the end of the file name.
then imported the file through the import option of watchmaker app and the face imported perfectly