
Here are some resources that you can download and export images/hands etc. Use it and make new great watch faces. Keep uploading to this site. Thanks.

Gear Watch Designer Full Tutorial


# File Date added File size Downloads
1 zip 14/02/2017 05:10 43 MB 20658
2 zip 13/02/2017 19:25 956 KB 12523
3 zip 14/02/2017 05:18 10 MB 10194
4 zip 14/02/2017 05:25 118 MB 12824

97 thoughts on “Resources

  1. Do you happen to have the gwd files for these? Or, would we have to make them front scratch and follow your sample image?

    1. These designs are extracted from Android Wear Watchfaces created using Watchmaker Software.
      The watchfaces were extracted for the content to be used for creating the GWD files.
      Yes you have to create the GWD by your own using these resources.

      1. hello, can you please advice how to create a gwd file for s3 gear from samsung? or how to use this faces on that gear? very new to this smart watch world …

  2. Each of this directory is contain a watch, that if I zip it, and rename it to, then I can import it to WatchMaker ! Is there any other way to import it to watchmaker with out first zip ?

    thank you in advanced.

    1. you cannot zip and convert to .watch .. this is unzipped for using the resources to create your own watch
      If you need the watch check the categories or search and download the .watch file.
      if not found .. let me know the name of the folder and will upload the .watch file for u

      This comment for everyone who is using the resources

      1. Dear Ahmad, in some you can – if they have an watch.xml inside of them – for example randomly I open the, each directory there can be zip, then rename it to watch, and then import it to WatchMaker on the phone either by place it on the phone and click on it, either click on WatchMaker import icon and select it.

        Try it!

    1. These zip files are not meant to be installed on the watch. As the page title, these zip files contain resources that can be used when designing new watchfaces.

  3. Any member who likes a watchface and cannot find on the website, kindly let us know which one and we will upload immediately

          1. Hi Ahmad,

            Thanks for this link, do you perhaps have more faces available for Zeblaze?

            I am looking for football teams Liverpool FC.

            Please can you send me a link

          1. Not possible to recover Watchmaker deleted Faces .. you need to import them again to watchmaker app
            if cannot find the deleted faces .. request the face and I will help you to find it

  4. Hi..I cant find Tag Heuer watch faces anywhere on this website even though the resources folder have them. I am looking for the .watch format Tag Faces….Can you help please.

    1. Tag Heuer is part of the premium which is available for members only.
      Once you log in with ur username and password to the website, you will see the appearance of the premium watchfaces link on the top horizontal menu

    1. Till this issue is fixed you can send the faces you have created to my email “” and I will upload them for you & mention your name as the creator in the title of each post

  5. Hi guys, great collection. Thanks for sharing.
    Can one use these resourses to create watch faces? Or just for private use?


    1. Depending on your hands, there may already be resources in different watch faces made here, if not then you would have to use a program like photoshop, upload the picture/resource of your hands, change the colour to black, change the opacity to be more see through and change the sharpness to be a little blury. When using shadow hands you need to install them under you hand and slightly offset them so the aren’t hidden, so what you will end up having is 2 second, 2 minute and 2 hour hands. Hope this helps you out!

    2. There is a mewe group for watchmaker. However on the group unfortunately there are rules which “prohibit” uploading banned watch faces. I miss the old Google+ days where you can get a Longines or Omega watchface…

    1. Zeblaze Thor 5 is a full Android Smartwatch and the resources are available long back on this page .. download the ZIP file “Watchfaces for Android Smart Watches” found in the resources page

    1. The easiest way is to buy & install the licensed copy of Watchmaker App on your iPhone or Android phone
      Then you have to install watchmaker app companion which will be mentioned to you by the APP.
      Import the watchface you downloaded to the APP then send it to the watch directly & you can customise the face before sending it to the watch .. all done from the phone very easily

      NOTE: only download the faces available on our website with the red logo beside it

  6. bonjour à tous,
    Je suis content de voir un groupe aussi actif pour nos belles montres et je vous en remercie. Je possede une huawei watch de 1ere generation avec watchmaker sur mon galaxy note 10.
    J’ai telechargé des fichiers ressources et quand je les copie dans mon telephone pour les importer dans mon watchmaker, il ne trouve pas le fichier montre je ne comprends pas pourquoi.
    si quelqu’un peux m’aider je laisse mon mail si besoin

    merci de votre aide.

  7. Bonjour Cyril,
    The resources page files are available for people who wants to build a new watch or update an existing watch .. resources only

    I got the same Huawei Watch that you have.
    The following steps help you get the watchfaces on your huawei watch:
    1. Install Watchmaker App from Playstore
    2. Use same phone Playstore account as your watch playstore and install Watchmaker App from the “Apps on your phone”
    3. Start the App on your phone and when you finish the steps in the beginning then go to the website categories and download the watchfaces with the red logo on the left side
    4. Import the downloaded face to the app
    5. Click on the imported Watchface in the app and send it to the watch but first to check that the watch is properly connected to the phone

    Do not use the stuff in resources page.

    Note: You can request specific watchface by sending the Brand, Model Name, & Photo of the watch if available. For missing brands form the website due to being forbidden (Like Tag Heuer, Omega, Rolex, Hermes, & More) do send email to and will reply you back with the requested watch.
    Bonjour Cyril,
    Les fichiers de la page des ressources sont disponibles pour les personnes qui souhaitent créer une nouvelle montre ou mettre à jour une montre existante. Ressources uniquement

    J’ai la même montre Huawei que vous.
    Les étapes suivantes vous aident à obtenir les cadrans de votre montre Huawei:
    1. Installez Watchmaker App depuis Playstore
    2. Utilisez le même compte Playstore du téléphone que votre Playstore de montre et installez l’application Watchmaker à partir des “Applications sur votre téléphone”.
    3. Démarrez l’application sur votre téléphone et lorsque vous avez terminé les étapes au début, allez dans les catégories du site Web et téléchargez les watchfaces avec le logo rouge sur le côté gauche
    4. Importer le watchface téléchargé dans l’application
    5. Cliquez sur le Watchface importé dans l’application et envoyez-le à la montre mais vérifiez d’abord que la montre est correctement connectée au téléphone

    N’utilisez pas le contenu de la page des ressources.

    Remarque: Vous pouvez demander un Watchface spécifique en envoyant la marque, le nom du modèle et la photo de la montre, si disponibles. Pour les marques manquantes du site Web en raison de leur interdiction (comme Tag Heuer, Omega, Rolex, Hermes, etc.), envoyez un e-mail à et vous répondra avec la montre demandée.

  8. Multumesc frumos, pentru fetele de ceas puse de dvs. Ceva fete de ceas pe negru cu un tourbillion sau doua tourbillioane pentru ceas Kospet Optimus Pro se poate?? Multumesc frumos.

    Thank you very much for the watch girls you have. Any watch girls on the black with a tourbillion or two tourbillions for the Kospet Optimus Pro watch? Thank you very much.

    1. install both apps on your watch “watchmaker” and “watchmaker live wallpaper” from these links to be able to use any watchmaker face on your watch.

      Watchmaker Live Wallpaper
      Watchmaker APP

      Use watchmaker app to import the watchfaces and the live wallpaper app to set the watchfaces to be as the wallpaper on watch home screen.

  9. I am new with all this design. but i am superbly excited and already made bunch of watchface through certain of these. I am very thankful to admin!!! i am having trouble to setup weather or tides/barometer setting. is it possible in GWD?

    1. Sorry Tag Heuer is forbidden to upload on the website cannot help you .. already removed from the resources page

  10. I have just bought myself a Gen 5 Fossil and this site is one of the best. I cannot stop changing watch faces. Thanks a bunch to the admins and the uploaders. Ahmed, you are a god.

  11. Hi 0 thanks for sharing these resource files. However,the lonks do not appear to work. I can click the link, but the downloads never start. Am I doing somnething wrong?

    1. Are you logged in? I went to download something the other day and it did the same thing, I had to log in as a user to start the download.

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